Research & Development

We are developing globally leading IP on large-scale tropical forest restoration and we have key partnerships in place with academics, scientific institutions and research organisations.

Key areas of research and development include: 

1. Project sourcing

We apply the latest in remote sensing and big data in order to accurately forecast carbon sequestration rates and the biodiversity opportunity of given areas of land at high resolution. This data complements our project sourcing team who have years of forestry experience and boots on the ground.

2. Species selection for restoration

We draw on 5+ years of restoration trial data to inform our indigenous species selection, with a focus on keystone species to speed up both carbon sequestration and biodiversity uplift. We develop detailed compartment level species planting plans to ensure optimal carbon results.

3. Silvicultural methodologies

We constantly trial and innovate new restoration approaches, including our unique ‘bulls-eye’ restoration method, in order to drive continuous improvement in cost, quality and speed.

4. Carbon and biodiversity monitoring

We work with leading partners in biodiversity monitoring and to combine both new and traditional techniques to measure carbon and biodiversity. From eDNA to transects and from tree measurements to remote sensing we combine new with traditional methods to get the best results for our projects.

We believe strongly in collaboration to help the world solve the climate crisis. If you are an individual or institution interested in working together on the above areas then please get in touch.